Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Student Success Statement

                                 Student Success Satement 

Attitude is the mind`s paintbrush. 
It can color any situation. 

What  this qoute is saying is that attitude defines how you feeling and how your day is going if you`er having a bad day then your attitude will be bad and if you have a good day and a positive thinking your attitude will be good . 



What is attitude ? 

  Attitudes are the views of a person whether positive or negative. Is also the settled way of thinking or feeling about someone.Is also the way your face expressions and body movement. 

Good Attitude: Good attitude is when you don`t do nothing wrong your nice, friendly, and respectful to others and to yourself. 

Bad Attitude: Bad attitude is when you treat people bad when your selfish , rude , disrespectful , unkind to others and you think everything as a n egative way. 




DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES : The mission of Periodontal Specialists is to serve the needs of the patients through the diagnosis and treatment of their periodontal disease and through rehabilitation with dental implants. 

SALARY: Periodontists who are just starting out may expect to earn between approximately $41,100 and $147,400 during their first year of practice. Those with more than five years of experience average earning between approximately $114,200 and $269,500. Periodontists who have been in practice for more than 10 years may earn between $152,600 and $294,800.

Most dentists earn a bachelor's  degree  prior to attending four years of dental school. Periodontists typically have an additional three years of specialized training.

: I think that i wouldn`t like having this job because am really not into the dentist career the salary is great but just knowing working with the mouth isn`t what i really want to do . 

Monday, April 28, 2014


                                                                What Is Honor ?

Honor is high respect, esteem ,  is a privilege , Honor is  also the recognition of selflessness. When we see someone who has gone beyond the little self, we are reminded of our own potential or self-imposed limitation. It is to acknowledge this potential or limitation that we recognize one who has gone beyond
DISHONOR is the state of shame and disgrace , loss of  honor , Also  failure to pay or refusal to accept a note, a bill, or another commercial obligation.

Student Success Statement

                                    Student Success Statement   

        "He who walks with
        the wise grows wise,
        but a companion of 
        fools suffers harm" 
                                             A Proverb

What the quote is saying is that if you're smart  to walk the right path you will be going to right direction but if you start going with the wrong people  you will just do wrong and all you do if harm your self from not going to the right path as you should. 

Dental technician

                                                  DENTAL TECHNICIAN

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES : Dental technician also referred to as dental laboratory technician fill orders for dental prosthetic.These include dentures bridge, crowns, veneers.

AVERAGE SALARY: $30,000-$40,00

EDUCATION: A candidate for certification must successfully complete three examinations, taken in any order, within a four-year period: a written comprehensive, a specialty practical, and a specialty written.Recognized Graduates (RGs) have four years to take and substitute the RG examination for the comprehensive examination and pass the other exams.

REFLECTION: I think i wouldn`t like to be a dental technician because i don`t like working as part of a dental career .

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Student success statement

                                       Student Success Statement 

                                                   "You can`t hire someone else to
                                                        do your push-ups for you."

                                                                   Jim Rohn

Reflection: What Jim Rohn is saying on his quote is that no one else could do what you suppose to do  you just can`t take the credit of someone else work if you didn`t do it on your own if its not done by you it don't count. 

ear, nose, and throat (ent) surgeon

                                          EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT (ENT) SURGEON

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES : There physician trained in the medical surgical treatment for related structures of the head and neck.

SALARY:About $222,920 and more

EDUCATION:  It takes up to 15 years of college and postgraduate training.

REFLECTION: I would not like to be a (ENT) because it takes to many years to be a well train and its not as interesting for me i would not enjoy the job even though i like helping people.  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Abraham Lincoln promieses


The promises Lincoln made in the video i just saw , was that lincoln as a kid promise his reaaly sick mom not to drink whiskey neither smoke until he lived and lincoln keep his promise . The person which was lincoln with walking ask him to drink lincoln said he doesnt drink so then he ask lincoln to smoke but lincoln keep his promise to his mother and told him that he would but he wouldn`t break his mother promises. What he did shows intergrity loncoln was a mad of his word .

Student Success Statement

                 " Man`s rise or fall, success or failure , happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude.....
                             a man`s attitude will create the situation he imagines."

                                                                         James Allen

What this quote is saying is that attitude is what leads to what you planning to do if the attitude with is a bad attitude then what  he imagines with a bad temper he will be create a bad stitiation.

clinical manager

                                                     CLINICAL MANAGER

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:  responsible for overseeing the medical and administrative operations of clinics and other medical facilities, and for supervising both clinical and administrative staff.  

SALARY: $81,000

EDUCATION: Need a bacholers degree in the medical field .

It looks like a good job but for someone who just likes to just supervise.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Student Success statement

                Student Success Statement 

            "Kindness is the essence         
                        of greatness" 
                                       Joseph B. wirthlin   
This quote means by being nice to other kind and never disrespecting others for the people you will be great the greatest of all because your nice kind and respectful and thats where greatness comes from it comes from being kind . 

Speech [pathologist

                      Speech Pathologist 

Duties and Responsibilities: Speech pathologist diagnose and treat people with the disability of not being able to talk and swallowing disorders.

Salary: 69,870  per a year and 33.59 a hour

Education: speech pathologist need a master degree and they also need to have licences which is required by states.

Reflection: A speech pathologist seems like a great job and career to take its helping adults and kids with there communication problems and i like helping people and to show them how to communicate seems fun and very interesting job to do .

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

25 act of kindness

                                                                     25 Acts Of Kindness

  1. Help people when there struggling
  2. Help our olders when they need somewhere to sit or cross the street
  3. Give food or little bit of money to homeless people 
  4. Let some take our parking space if you see there in a hurry or stressed out 
  5. send a post card or a letter to pepole that feel bad to cheer them up
  6. when someone doesnt have money for buying food or supplies pay for them in a kind way 

Student success statement

                  Student Success Statement 

" Visualization -- Imaginantion : What you see is what you get"

I think this qoute is saying that by visualizaing what you want and think of it you could get it all it takes is to think about it want and try your best to get it.



Duties and Responsabilitys: A is a diagnostic medical procedure that uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to produce dynamic visual images of organs, tissues, or blood flow inside the body. Also songrapher could be use to examine many parts of the body. It`s also use for treatment for heart problems.

Salary: 24,000- 38,000

Education: It takes 1 to 4 years to be a sonographer depending on the degree. Also need a high school diploma or a GDE.

Reflection: i would like to take this as a career because it seems like a good job to take abd i will enjoy doing it and the salary its pretty good. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Student success statement Anon

                                                      Student Success Statement 

 " You will never be a winner
 if you lose your temper"    Anon   

by losing your temper it really doesn't get you no where your just mad and you will never get anything done you will always lose with a bad attitude.

Social worker


                                                                       Social Worker

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Social workers help families with problems in their lives like in illness, child abuse and substance abuse and other illness.                        
 Salary: $20,000 - $24,000
Education: some social workers start with a bachelors degree but in all health and mental health students need a graduate degree. clinical positions require additional licensing after they complete there internship.
REFLECTION: I would like to be a social worker because i like helping people out specially kids . kids shouldn't be going thru bad things like they do and the salary is pretty good i think i would enjoy the job